Can liquid wallpaper be washed?

When evaluating any finishing material, the first place is never completely given to only one criterion for its evaluation. There are always two of them, and they always occupy positions of equal importance. Yes, you are right, we are now talking about aesthetic value and practicality. Two pillars on which the value of any finishing material rests. Remove one of them - and the second immediately loses its meaning.

About washing wallpaper.

It is interesting to delve a little into history and trace the dialectic of the development of the very phrase “wash the wallpaper”. And the facts tell us the following: in the middle of the 20th century, rolled wallpaper became popular, they were not washed, because. were made of paper. It was a well known fact. In the 80s of the same century, the first samples of rolled wallpaper using vinyl began to appear, and to be even more precise, PVC (polyvinyl chloride), which, (oh, miracle !!!) like any vinyl film, of course, could be washed. And of course, this new option, after decades of rolling wallpaper with no innovation, has been well received by the target audience.

However, as it turned out in the process, vinyl wallpaper can only be washed conditionally, namely, lightly wiped with a damp sponge. And that's it! If you start to actively scrub the dirt, then the color and pattern come off partially, and come off completely if you suddenly decide to add a detergent, such as cleaning powder. And all because the drawing is applied to them by the imprint method. And this, without options, makes it unstable to washing, abrasive, and sunlight.

But, the very concept of washing has remained so attractive that it is still extremely popular. Why, you ask? Yes, because this, in theory, should be the easiest way to eliminate local pollution of the wall in 10-15 minutes.

And so, we figured out the problem statement. Let's now look for a reliable solution to it.

As we can see, unfortunately, washable roll wallpaper does not fully cope with this task. And here, we come close to considering a question that we hear quite often: “Ah, is it possible to wash liquid wallpaper?”

I am sure that you, our dear readers, have already guessed that the solution to this problem lies beyond the plane of old technologies, and that the point here is not at all about washing, as such.

“Remove local pollution of the wall in 10-15 minutes”, and without special tools and equipment - with BIOPLAST liquid wallpaper it is possible! It is enough to soak the damaged fragment, and replace it with a clean one. You can evaluate how much this is invested in the set 10-15 minutes by watching the video.

If you need a quick drying of the restored fragment, use a household hair dryer or fan heater. However, in a day this fragment will dry itself, without your participation.

And yet, for adherents of the idea of washing wallpaper, just think about it and answer your question - how many times in your life have you had to wash wallpaper?

As for liquid wallpaper - they are not washable. The binder in their composition is CMC glue. Under the influence of water, it becomes plastic, which thereby makes it possible to seamlessly restore and replace fragments of the coating. Isn't it much better than just washing the coating, moreover, with a dubious result, after contact with a ballpoint pen, felt-tip pen, grease or coffee?

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